Home Oral Health B.C. Supplies Funding for Dental Careers for Immigrants and Youth

B.C. Supplies Funding for Dental Careers for Immigrants and Youth

B.C. Supplies Funding for Dental Careers for Immigrants and Youth


B.C. Provides Funding for Dental Careers for Immigrants and Youth

The province of British Columbia is investing over $160,000 to eligible residents for coaching and work expertise in preparation for licensed dental receptionist jobs.

“This can be a new Neighborhood and Employer Partnerships (CEP) challenge from the Authorities of British Columbia,” reported the B.C. Authorities. “Participant recruitment is concentrated on immigrants and youth.”

The coaching will happen over 13 weeks and embrace occupational, employability, and on-the-job coaching with follow-up help.

It’s the hope of Discovery Neighborhood School and the Ministry of Social Improvement and Poverty Discount that this challenge will assist cut back unemployment in Nanaimo and supply long-term profession alternatives.

Study extra about this challenge from the Authorities of British Columbia.



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