The research « A potential longitudinal cohort research of the effectiveness of 25% xylitol toothpaste on mutans streptococci in excessive caries-risk younger youngsters » revealed within the September problem (24/3-2023) of the European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry concluded A « A home technique utilizing a pure toothpaste containing 25% of xylitol as a automobile, and tooth brushing as a behavior, confirmed a promising antibacterial cariogenic impact. This strategy may very well be a related various to in-home care to stop ECC and early SM contamination. »
This pear-reviewed research was the inspiration of the distinctive X-PUR Cari0 Plus toothpaste developed by Canadian heart specialist Dr. Jacques Véronneau and launched by Oral Science in 2017.
The total research is on the market right here: https://www.ejpd.eu/pdf/EJPD_2023_1731.pdf